Digital Equity Anti-Racism Initiative

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Lean in with us.

We are glad you decided to join us. As we begin this initiative, we have four guiding words to describe the experiences ahead.
Hope to empower you to embrace the humanity within our multi-racial and multi-generational community
Inspire to you to be brave and to lean into conversations about systemic racism and how racism impacts all ages, genders, nationalities, and income levels across Multnomah County.
Reflect on ways you can contribute to the Digital Inclusion Network taking an anti-racist stance
Remember to go to the registration page to schedule an interview

How Our Firm Helps

As a guiding party to the Digital Equity Anti-Racism Initiative, FC Hurdle via The Colors of the NW Model will help facilitate and support the progression towards racial and digital equity. These racial equity experiences will consist of individual interviews and additional anti-racism professional seminars for Digital Inclusion Network members


Elevating the voice of Digital Inclusion Network (DIN) members to inform our current practices and the upcoming Digital Equity Action Plan 2.0


Supporting Digital Inclusion Network community to take a stance as an anti-racist collective


Providing tools to assist the Digital Inclusion Network to build or expand partnerships with Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Asian/Pacific Islander led community based organizations/businesses

Who's Invited

Each DIN partnering organization should consist of a team of 2-3 members. This includes at least one executive-level member and staff that regularly participate in the DIN

Two Step Process


Interviews are an opportunity for the Hurdle team to assess the DIN member’s current approach to racial equity and initial thoughts on how to take a stronger anti-racist stance as a Digital Inclusion Network community. The Hurdle team will use the anonymous information gathered to prepare for the Professional Development Experience. Staff that regularly participate in DIN meetings are encouraged to participate in an interview. If the staff representative does not hold an executive-level position, we invite members of your executive staff to participate as well. 


Following the interviews, DIN members and their executive staff are invited to attend 4 2-hour professional development experiences designed to provide tools to do the personal work necessary to address systemic racism and our collective digital equity efforts. Again, DIN member representatives and other members of your executive team are encouraged to attend all 4 sessions.


Mark your Calendars: Professional Development Experience for DIN members.

Each executive-level member of a DIN partnering organization and staff that regularly participate in the DIN are encouraged to participate in this 8hr professional development experience.

              –  February 2nd, 4th, and 9th from 9:30AM-11:30AM

              –  February 11th 1PM-3PM

Email Reminder Note
Please remember to check your trash-bin if you have not received our invite email within 24 hours. The subject line of the email will be: Welcome Letter: Digital Equity Anti-Racism Initiative

Man with headphones looking on the monitor with zoom cloud meetings logo
Afro-American biracial millennial woman wearing headset, talking in zoom app, watching webinar

Key Takeaways from this initiative

Why it matters

“Racial equity needs be to done for digital equity work to be successful”
Elisabeth Perez
City Of Portland
"Equity is at the core of the city, library, and county work”
Jon Worona
Multnomah County Library
"This work is the foundation to our commitment for digital equity."
Rebecca Gibbons
City Of Portland
Your Voice Matters
Remember to go to the registration page to schedule an interview

Continuing The Work

Digital Equity Anti-Racism Initiative

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